How to hide from your kids
April 20, 2018

This is a well thought out plan. You may not credit it to a tired day’s rant. Or that you had a toddler that was bawling at the fact that you went to bathroom alone… or as she likes to claim it ‘without me’.
And so began my plan to identify spots, locations and areas where I will be safe and away from my precious.
These are things or places that just cannot be seen by children. It’s the natural order of things.
I tested out the theory first. At each level I reached out to the toddler to check if that particular element is visible to her. It wasn’t. Slowly yet steadily, my list grew. Here’s where I could be in plain sight yet not be seen:
- Amongst Toys At Clean Up Time
- Next To Vegetables At Dinner Time
- Under The Socks They Can’t Find
- Behind The Door They Can’t Seem To Shut
- Next To Shoes Sprawled All Over
I was also able to identify certain frequencies those young ears have a hard time tuning in to.
- Calling their names at The Play area When It’s Time To Leave
- When You Ask To Help Set The Table
- When You Ask To Pick Something Up
- When You Ask To Turn The iPad Off
- When You Announce BedTime
- Don’t Touch The Laptop
My plan was still formulating when I realized there are certain frequencies they can tune into from miles away. And that could compromise my mission. So I started observing and noting down these mysterious words they can immediately pick up on.
- Crinkle From A Chips/Cookie/Candy Bag
- Crunch From A Chip/Cookie/Candy
- Creak Of The Fridge Door
- Clank From The Car Keys
- The Word Go, Going, Ice Cream, Pizza, Toys & Chocolate
- A Feather Falling At Bedtime
- And Any Profanity Said Anywhere Within A 3 Mile Radius
By this time I had realized that I am too weak and the only way I can get away is by assigning chores. Or making the little one clean up. Voila! I immediately became invisible! I had used the power to hide myself in plain sight!
And what did I do with this awesome power you ask? Nothing, I just sat down and sipped on my coffee. Because that in itself was a huge win. And also I was tired from stalking the poor kid all day. *Pats myself on the shoulder.*
I know this is in contrast to my emo rambling over these little cuties. But sometimes momma need’s a break !
That is a creative way to take that time you need to recharge or relax. Also makes for a fun game with the kids. Forgive the second idea. That was spoken like a dad!
Ha! It does turn into a fun game sometime especially when I end up bugging them ☺️
Interesting article! Thanks for sharing.
This is seriously the best thing I’ve read in a while. You are so right! lol
I’m glad! It’s like a super power how you get to become invisible yet visible at the same time☺️
What a great idea! going to try it out with my kids this weekend.
Goodluck! Side effects do include a need to give them so many more hugs especially when they look at you with those big adorable eyes☺️
I would be happy not to hide from my Angel if she is with us. I would do anything and give everything I could.
That’s the power these little ones hold❤️
Probably the one people with keys to our heart, that can never get lost 💕💕
Good ideas. I will share this with my sister as she has a baby now. This will get she less stressful on taking care of her daughter.
Of course! With the baby it’s going to be an emotional ride but a fun one! But yes, this will hopefully give her the laugh she needs. Much love to her and her little one❤️
When I first saw the title of this post I surely had to laugh cause this is a well thought out plan
There were just too many clues on how I become invisible that I just had to try it out. Kids give us superpowers… that only work with them😂❤️❤️
This is just amazing!! I am going to try this for sure…
Quite uncanny how kids can pick up and repeat profanities that are said within a 3 mile radius. Love your hands on approach. Go Mom!
I know! They are quick to pick up on your mistakes too🙈🙈
Very funny article. If i lay out vegetables in a circle around me in my house can I be left alone for as long as like.
Hahaha! That truth in that cracked me up!
Lol this is so funny! Thank you for stalking your toddler all day to write this!
This was an enjoyable read. Sometimes parents need a breather. Also very entertaining!
Yes they do! Ohh to have the energy of a toddler!
Nice article, lovely blog keep it up
I was curious with your title. When I read this I had a laugh. There seems to be no way to hide from our kids. But the little things we do for ourselves gives us the break we need… 🙂
Aah yes! Even if we do end up hiding, I’ll bet it won’t be long since we won’t be able to stay away from them either❤️❤️
These are really creative ways, now days kids have better ideas I think, so we need to follow their possibilities too.
You seem to be finding creative ways to deal with your kids and have doing so. Great job mom
Aww thank you. My LO and I crack eachother up☺️
this post is amazing. it helps me a lot and now i can do this also to my daughter. 🙂
I wish i had read this when my kids were younger. Thx
This is hilarious!! So true!!
Blog on a complete different topic, which will help parents to be more playful with their kids without stressing too much what to do. Thanks for the ideas.
Hahahah! Amazing post! I will definitely keep all these in mind for future 😀
Go for it! It does get fun for us too.. all that pretend hiding😉
Ha!! The sheer peace I feel when I go to the bathroom, close and LOCK the door behind me, is a feeling like no other!!! Great post!!