New Mama in the house!

Hi Everyone!
New Mama here and like every new mom I believe I am now an expert at each stage that my baby has already gone through. Of course, I’m freaking out over all the new changes but none the less this is my story and journey from a crazy workaholic perfectionist to well a disorganized, 9-5 worker to now the 21st-century slave of my teeny master 🙂

A little bit about myself – I had my little one, I thought I knew everything, had the baby, realized I knew nothing and months later things have calmed down a bit. Each step that I had taken seems so much easier now that I look back.

I mean I don’t think I will ever get fully organized again and it’s okay. It’s totally worth the little cuddles I’m just starting to get 🙂
So along with my journey, I learned a lot about babies and the amazing things out there that help make yours and your little one’s life much easier. I will be sharing some of those stories, hopefully helping out anyone who’s had the same questions.

Happy Mommydom Y’all!

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