What happens when the Baby’s finally here

The Baby’s here!

That moment you’ve been waiting all those months finally happened!
Your hormones are in fifth gear now so cry if you want. I used to bawl and feel so much better afterward. It was actually one of the first things my daughter and I did together. Although I’m pretty sure she was going like: “ WTH This is my Mom?! I was promised a more sensible parent especially one who knew what to do! Nooo

And I was like “Omg I carried you for 9 months, talked and sang to you every day, ate healthy things, puked my guts out and stopped sleeping after month 2.. And you come out looking exactly like your Dad! My baby doesn’t love me” But after 2 minutes “ Oh you have my fingers, oh you’re cooing! You adorable little monkey you’re all mine! You’re so cutee ” and then I’d cry again.

There will be tears and laughter- all at the same time!

But we got through it and we began to know each other, she became my whole world. I became her breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, Pacifier and poop/pee cleaner. But she did let me hug and kiss her to my heart’s content.

Getting the hand of colicky babies

Once I had the little cutie pie, I would dress her up and could feel her rolling her eyes though she did not know how. Helped her fart out her feelings. Now let me tell you something about that. Baby farts are the cutest thing! Plus passing gas relieves them of tummy aches so that is totally encouraged especially if the baby is colicky.

Once we found out our little one was colicky we tried a couple of tricks.

  • Start off with Tummy time, gently cycling the legs,
  • Burp the baby after every feed and
  • Used a warm washcloth to massage the tummy in circular motion
  • Pressing the baby’s knees to her tummy. Had my own fart music going after that.

The baby was like ” Dear Lord please let me crawl or walk the way out of this situation. The milk lady is after my digestive system!”

Keep track of those memories

Mommies and Daddies though you’re probably sleep deprived, covered in poo, the house a mess and laundry piled sky high. Wait I forgot what I was going to say… Oh yeah, this time really does not come back to take and save all the pictures, mementos and happy times because you will look back at this and wonder how you got through. But more importantly, you’ll see how much that little munchkin grew, how the little things we take granted for are the things they need to learn to survive and how much you want to be in their lives even though you don’t strive for that or don’t think about it. It just happens and you love it.
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy and may you get through the first year in peace!

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